Organization Tree

  • Recursion
  • Tree
GreenRootsJun 08, 2022
A simple org tree

Castro - Organization Tree

It is a basic organization tree shows the relationship between the employee's roles. The tree is a hierarchical data structure. The children of each node are shown in the below of the node.

The tree structure is created using the React Organizational Chart library. Please check the org.js file for the data.

  • 👴 CEO
    • 🧔 Dir. Finance
      • 🧑 Finance Exec
    • 👩‍🦱 Dir. Engineering
      • 👩 Team Lead
        • 👱 Frond-End(ReactJS)
        • 👩‍🦳 Back-End(Node.js)
    • 👱‍♀️ Dir. HR