I open sourced an AI that creates any UI in seconds.
I am not posting a lot over dev.to, but I think this is a great opportunity to show something great 🚀
For the last 15 years, I have been playing the role of a full-stack developer and a team/tech leader for various companies.
I never stop trying new technologies, I wake up in the morning with a lot of passion to build great things.
I recently started playing with chatGPT and some generative AI technologies, but as chatGPT API was released, it became a great opportunity to make some really cool things 😎
The world is changing fast, and I believe that very soon, most of the jobs, as we know them, will not be the same - AI will have its share in our life, involved in almost everything that we do.
I build a lot of web applications, writing dozens of components every week. So I was thinking, what if I could make my life really easier and just ask ChatGPT to make those components for me? It turns out it is easier than you may think. Check this out:
I open sourced it, so you are more than welcome to contribure make it better!
Here's a link to the repo:
Please give me a star so I know I did something good 🙌🏻
Love you all :)