#DEVDiscuss: CI/CD Pipelines
image created by Margaux Peltat for the Chilled Cow YouTube channel Time for #DEVDiscuss — right...

Meme Monday 😝
Meme Monday! Today's cover image comes from last week's thread. DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in...

How does AI impact privacy?
The use of personal data as well as data collection and analysis has left a lot of people concerned...

Six Years on DEV, Already?
I just got my six year badge. While I've been a member of DEV for six years, I lurked for the first...

Top 7 Featured DEV Posts from the Past Week
A round up of the most-read and most-loved contributions from the community this past week

React vs Signals: 10 Years Later
How does the old Winston Churchill quote go? Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to...

How atomic Git commits dramatically increased my productivity - and will increase yours too
Atomic: of or forming a single irreducible unit or component in a larger system. Knowing VS...

I open sourced an AI that creates any UI in seconds.
I am not posting a lot over dev.to, but I think this is a great opportunity to show something great...

Hobbyist Coders: Why Do You Code?
Becoming a hobbyist coder can offer many benefits, from personal fulfillment to career development....

A smooth way to pay your technical debt
Suppose you track your technical debt, what is the best time to work on it? Here is an idea, and why.

CodeNewbie Podcast S23E2 **Discussion**!!
Hey y'all! We released a new episode of the CodeNewbie Podcast yesterday and after listening, we...

CodeNewbie Podcast, S23:E2 — Having a Growth Mindset
Hey y'all! If you didn't know— we at DEV run an incredible and supportive organization called...

How to get up to speed in a new codebase, fast
You're alone in the wilderness with a compass and Node.js

What are your goals for the week?
What are your goals for this week? What are you building? What will be a good result by week's...

Making the Case for Signals in JavaScript
Amidst all the conversation around Signals the recent weeks, I have forgotten to talk about arguably...

yOU DON'T nEEd a fRamEWoRk
Every so often there's an article I'll read that's like, "You don't need a JavaScript Framwork! Just...

AI powered code debugging extensions
GitHub Copilot is nice for autocompletion, but 80% of the coding is debugging. @musabshakil shares a...

AI generated room designs
As AI becomes more accessible to every developer, we will continue to see the use cases for it...

Meme Monday 🦄
Meme Monday! Today's cover image comes from last week's thread. DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in...

AI powered search with OpenAI embeddings
Some of the best implementations of AI use existing knowledge basis and make them searchable through...

We are entering a new age: The creation age
Humanity is always progressing. However the progression is not linear. We tend to experience...

What's the biggest mistake you've ever made while coding?
I really enjoy reading posts where authors talk through a mistake that they have made and what they...

AI generated git commit messages
Over my decorated 10-year career in development, I have seen some of the worst commit messages. I...

How to Enable 2FA for your GitHub Account
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security used when logging into websites or...

What are the limitations of current AI technology, and how could that impact society in the future?
It's true. AI is not human, and doesn't have full human capabilities. Some of those limitations...

What was your win this week?
Heyo! Hope y'all all have fabulous weekends. 😀 Looking back on this past week, what was something...

Meme Monday 🤓
Meme Monday! Today's cover image comes from last week's thread. DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in...

Why Oh My ZSH is so cool?
There is a before and after listening to these letters together: ZSH. You may wonder: Why did not I...

OpenAI announces ChatGPT and Whisper APIs
Openai just made a big announcement regarding its API. From the post: ChatGPT and Whisper models...